Things Will Be Different

Giovedì 31 ottobre 2024

Thursday 31st october 2024

Michael Felker
USA 2024, 102’
Michael Felker, Director

I fratelli Joseph e Sidney si ritrovano in una tavola calda dopo una rocambolesca rapina. Per sfuggire alla polizia si rifugiano in una fattoria abbandonata dove un portale temporale li trasporta in un’altra dimensione. Una volta passato il pericolo, cercano di tornare al loro presente, ma una forza metafisica a cui devono obbedire ciecamente li separa e abbandona a loro stessi. Oltre a piegare le leggi dello spaziotempo, ciò che accade a Joe e Sid metterà a dura prova il loro legame fraterno. Un thriller fantascientifico pieno di plot twist, oscurità orrorifiche e suspense.

When estranged siblings Joseph and Sidney rendezvous at a local diner after a close-call robbery, they run to an abandoned farmhouse that transports them to a different time in order to escape the local cops. But when they try to return to their present after the coast is clear, an unknown metaphysical force cuts them off and maroons them on the land unless they do exactly what they’re told. What comes from this occurrence not only bends the forces of spacetime but also bends Joe and Sid’s familial bonds beyond the point of trust and forgiveness. A twisty science-fiction thriller with dark doses of horror and suspense.

Michael Felker
Carissa Dorson
Michael Felker, Rebeca Marques
Michael Huang
Jimmy Lavalle, Michael A Muller
Effetti Speciali_Special Effects
Aaron Moorhead
Adam David Thompson, Riley Dandy, Chloe Skoczen, Justin Benson
Shane Spiegel, Jacob Rosenthal, Michael Felker
Rustic Films, Last Life
Distribuzione Internazionale_International Distribution
Cercamon World Sales

Preparations for a Miracle

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