Edizione 2023

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Boxes from the future are coming. There are some creatures from other planets and cyber-cops trying to catch them.
The great science fiction classics become little masterpieces of the absurd and street lamps play an electric symphony.
There are parties, videogames, meetings about science, monsters and shows, astronauts going for a walk and concerts from midnight to dawn.
And of course a lot of great #scifi movies.
It’s not easy to describe how it feels to live a few days in this parallel world. A very VERY bizarre world.
We need a very VERY bizarre video to do so.
Such as this one
TS+FF 23 – Official Opening
An unforgettable journey into the Hyperfuture dedicated to science-fiction fans of all ages with scientific popularization, book presentations, workshops, parties, video games, music, street markets and family activities.
TS+FF 23 – Box from the Hyperfuture vol. 1 – TIM WEBBER
An object / an Oscar recipient / a mysterious box… and the #tsplusf spaceship, running at full capacity towards the Hyperfuture to come with us, just keep watching. We’ll take you far far far away!
TS+FF 23 – Box Form the Hyperfuture vol. 2 – CLAUDIA GERINI e FEDERICO ZAMPAGLIONE
Unimaginable things can happen at Trieste Science+Fiction. For example, “our future selves” could try to communicate with the present and send us messages from the world to come!
At the Italian premiere of THE WELL, we tried to imagine the unimaginable, on and off screen. The result is in this video
TS+FF 23 – Box from the Hyperfuture vol. 3 – PINO DONAGGIO
Which music will we listen to in the Hyperfuture? Will trap music still be in fashion? Will we go back to dancing the Foxtrot? Will robots play in orchestras? Nobody better than a MYTH like Pino Donaggio, composer of the soundracks for “Don’t Look Now”, “Carrie” and “Blow Out”, could have imagined the music of the future.
TS+FF 23 – Box from the Hyperfuture vol. 4 – PAOLO NESPOLI
A box comes from #tsplusf hyperfuture. Inside is an object that has (or will have!) a symbolic meaning, that tells us about the world to come.
A world in which maybe spaceships will be means of transport as widespread as scooters and bicycles.
A world in which our explorations will go even further and our knowledge will go beyond the boundaries of our imagination.
We don’t know yet, but for now… let’s fire up this spaceship and set off on our next journey.
To the future. Or rather: hyperfuture!
TS+FF 23 – Box from the Hyperfuture vol. 5 – DOTTOR PIRA
The pencil is made of graphite. The diamond is also made of graphite. So, according to the transitive property, a pencil is forever.
That’s why in the black box coming from the #tsplusf hyperfuture there is no diamond, but a pencil.
(It could be because of budget issues, but in the hyperfuture we will all be ultra-rich so we can rule that out)
It could rather be that this small object will prove to be very, very, VERY important for the destiny of human creativity…
Assumptions, theories, visions, cultured terminology and, of course, PENCILS here in this video
TS+FF 23 – Make Sci-Fi Not War