Film students 2016

Again this year La Cappella Underground, promoter of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival, is pleased to offer students studying cinema at the University the chance of receiving free passes to the Festival, discounts for the special events and free accommodation in Trieste for the nights from the 4th to the 7th of November.

During the festival, and up to the 15th November, the chosen students will send reviews of the screenings and events to the Festival’s Direction, and following their judgement, the best works will be published on our website.

In order to apply, please fill out the form below. Registrations will close at midnight on the 21th of October. The list of chosen students will be sent out on Monday the 24th of October.

Given the limited number of available positions, the students who are not selected will be offered by the Festival a discounted pass and the opportunity to enjoy special offers at the hotels around the city.


DJ Yoda goes to the TS+FF