Edizione 2019

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Science-Fiction is ILLUSTRATION
“To bring people from different worlds into a common universe”
Science-Fiction according to Jacopo Starace, author of the official TS+FF 19 poster.
Science-Fiction is VIDEO GAMES & VR
A journey beteween dream and virtual reality to blur the line between the fictional and the real.
A dialogue from another dimension between Michele Hiki Falcone and Omar Rashid, two world-shapers.
Science-Fiction is MUSIC
Evoking images, scenographies, colours, giving a sound to the technology of the Future.
Luca Maria Baldini – who takes part in TS+FF with the live sound recordings of “The Mechanical Man” and “Moon” – on creating Science-Fiction with Music.
Science-Fiction is CINEMA
We asked the great BRYAN YUZNA to tell us what making Science-Fiction through Cinema means to him.
Science-Fiction is REALITY
Sooner or later, all Science-Fiction comes true.
Emilio Cozzi and Tito Stagno on Science-Fiction coming true.
Science-Fiction is THEATRE
To make Science-Fiction with Theatre means to create an emotional brigde with the audience without using technology.
To tell in a few words what the TRIESTE SCIENCE+FICTION FESTIVAL is to somebody who doesn’t know us is pretty much impossible.
Let’s get the ball rolling…
Among aliens, cosmic energy and plants of happiness, it’s a dazzling beginning for the 19th edition of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival!
The winners are…
The Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2019 awards ceremony!
Is it just me or is it getting SCI-FIER out there?