Fantastic Film Forum
Friday, November 4th – Magazzino delle idee

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival aims at playing a more and more active role not only in bringing genre cinema to the audiences, but also in promoting film production and distribution at a European level.
Starting from 2016, the festival programme will feature a new section, called Fantastic Film Forum. The Fantastic Film Forum is specifically addressed to film distributors, producers, filmmakers, screenwriters and emerging talents in fantastic and science-fiction cinema, who will get together for a one-day long session of conferences and masterclasses with cinema experts. The programme will also feature a networking lunch, aimed at encouraging the exchange of experiences and contacts and fostering new cooperation and coproduction projects.

The conferences will take place mainly in English

The event is open to Sci-Fi Pro, Guest and press only
Please fill in the form to register and get your Sci-Fi Pro badge. A link to the payment procedure will follow.

For further info:



Friuli Venezia Giulia as a set for fantastic and science-fiction films

Friuli Venezia Giulia Region has become a most-cherished set for major international and national productions thanks to the quality of its facilities and locations. But does this also apply to fantastic and science-fiction productions? An overview on the logistic and financial services the Region provides, and some actual examples.

Speaking guests: Guido Cassano, Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission, and Alessandro Gropplero, Fondo per l’Audiovisivo del Friuli Venezia Giulia

The Rift: how to produce a sci-fi film in the Balkans (and find an international co-producer)

Starting from a case history on the sci-fi film The Rift – in competition at the TS+FF – an overview on the genre film factory that is thriving in the former Yugoslavia area, mainly thanks to the works of Milan Todorović and Dejan Zečević. A prime example of the opportunities offered by an area which is only apparently peripheral, but which in fact is proving more and more attractive for international film producers, as proved by the South Korean co-production share in The Rift.

Speaking guests: Dejan Zečević, director, and Milan Todorović, producer

: how to produce an indie film the US

In the US, indie films are a kind of standardized genre, with its own distribution and festival networks. But how do you produce an independent film in the US? Are procedures and opportunities the same as in Europe? And what kind of partnership may a project circulating outside the studios’ production system offer?

Speaking guests: Claire Carré, director, and Charles Spano, producer

Networking lunch
Sci-fi pro passes only

The new Italian way to international sci-fi

Monolith is a peculiar example of film production: it is an integrated project between cinema and comics (one of the producers is Sergio Bonelli publishing house), it has been entirely shot in the US with an all-American cast, but its production and creative core is solely Italian. Is Monolith a unique case of its kind? Or is it rather the beginning of a new internationally oriented renaissance of Italian fantastic and genre cinema?

Speaking guests: Ivan Silvestrini, director, Davide Luchetti, producer, and Lorenzo Ceccotti, production designer

Shut up and take my money! Crowdfunding as a financing and promotional tool for audiovisual projects

Despite being regarded as the ultimate innovative financing tool, crowdfunding is still rather little known. Planning, fine-tuning and properly launching a crowdfunding campaign may bring about extra gains in terms of financing as well as marketing and visibility, but it may also end up in absolutely nothing. A talk with Daniele Ferrari – who has been among the first to apply crowdfunding to audiovisual production in Italy – in order to learn what crowdfunding is and how to do it.

The conference will take place in Italian only

Speaking guests: Daniele Ferrari, Digital Strategist & Crowdfunding Consultant

Coffee break

How genre film industry has changed over the last decades
A talk with Ruggero Deodato

Ruggero Deodato has been given different names: Rossellini’s pupil, straightforward film craftsman, plain representative of the Italian trash cinema, bloodthirsty torturer of both human beings and animals, and finally reassessed as master of extreme cinema… However you may judge him, Deodato undoubtedly has been, and still is, a first-rate film professional, who experienced all genres and all media in an over 50 year-long career. A unique occasion to reflect on how genre (and not only) film industry has changed over the last decades.