Since its beginnings, the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival has been keeping the objective to entrust the realization of the Asteroide Award to an under 40 artist from Trieste, in order to promote and shine a light over local creative talents by providing an international showcase for their work.
This year the choice was slightly different and experimental, as we decided to encourage an “artist pool”. We have asked three artists of different ages, tecniques and styles to submit a sketch of the 2017 Award. Amongst the three we have chosen Oracle, created by painter and sculptor Christian Fermo. The sculpture is a classic rendering of the science-fiction theme: its theatre stage nature – especially relevant this year when the festival main location will be the Rossetti theatre – and the use of recycled materials, consistent with the festival’s environmental vocation, persuaded us it was the right choice.
This is how the artist describes his work: «I imagined two counterposed faces for the Asteroide Award. The female face embodies imagination, the male science. They are joined by a half moon, conveying the idea of space opening up into the unknown. At the centre, an asteroid made by different elements melted together. I have joined sculpted parts with recycled materials. This way, many of the sculpture elements already have a history, a journey behind them leading to be joined together to create something new. Just as it happens when an asteroid is formed».
Oracle – Asteroide Award 2017