Alfredo Castelli
Premio Urania d’argento 2012
Alfredo Castelli was born in Milan on 26 June 1947. Already in 1965 he made his debut in the world of clouds with Skeletrino, published as an appendix to Diabolik (of which he would later write numerous books). In the Seventies he was then among the columnists of the prestigious Corriere dei Ragazzi, in which he published, among many, Gli Aristocrati and l’Omino Bufo. His first Zagor story dates back to 1971 and from the second half of the Seventies he wrote continuously for Sergio Bonelli’s series, in particular for Mister No. Again for Cepim, the current Sergio Bonelli Editore, he wrote two volumes for the prestigious series A man, an adventure: The Man from Chicago, designed by Giancarlo Alessandrini, and The Snowman, designed by Milo Manara. In the same period he wrote some Disney stories. In 1982 Martin Mystère debuted on newsstands, undoubtedly the character who gave him the greatest notoriety: archaeologist, writer, television personality, Mystère is a scholar who investigates facts often denied by “official” science. His commitment to the new monthly magazine – soon joined by numerous specials – did not prevent him, in those same years, from attempting together with Silver to relaunch Corno’s Eureka magazine. Today, in addition to carrying on the magazine dedicated to the Detective of the Impossible, he dedicates himself to the activity of comics historian (and not only), carrying out in-depth research on the origins of the medium.
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