
Steven Lisberger
USA 1982, 96′

Un geniale programmatore di videogames rivendica il furto e lo spionaggio di sue idee e progetti all`Encom da parte di un rivale senza scrupoli. Nuove scoperte lo aspettano, ed una lotta all’ultimo byte contro Shark ed il Master Control Program. II film si segnala come la prima pellicola in cui viene usata la computer graphic.

A brilliant video game programmer claims that his ideas and projects were stolen by an unscrupulous rival whilst working at a previous job. Graver discoveries lie await in Tron where the fight between Shark and the Master Control Program will go down to the last byte. The film is interesting to note as it was one of the first to use computer graphics in its production.

John Loring, Daniel Hyatt
Bruce Logan
Jeff Gourson
Wendy Carlos
Jeff Bridges, David Warner, Cindy Morgan

2001 Festival Lineup

Super Mario Bros

Un milione di anni fa