Alejandro Jodorowsky Urania Career Award 2014

Trieste Science+Fiction Science Fiction Film Festival is delighted to announce that its guest of honour for its 14th year will be the Chilean director Alejandro Jodorowsky, making his long awaited cinema comeback this year, after 23 years since his last film, with the visionary autobiography ‘La Danza de la Realidad’ (Chile/France, 2013).


Tickets for the evening: 20 euros – Total number of tickets available online: 100. More tickets will be available from Sala Tripcovich from the 29th October 2014.
Admission is free for all types of accreditation.
You must get your ticket an hour before the beginning of the ceremony from the ticket office at Sala Tripcovich, by showing your proof of purchase.

Alejandro Jodorowsky, creator of La Montagna Sacra, El Topo e Santa Sangre will be awarded the Carriera Unaria d’Argento Prize (in collaboration with the magazine Mondadori Urania) by the Trieste Festival of Science Fiction. Over the years, this accolade has been given to some of the greats who have made cinema history in the Sci-Fi genre such as: Dario Argento, Roger Corman, Joe Dante, Christopher Lee, Terry Gilliam and George Romero. The Chilean director will be here to see his most recent film, ‘La Danza de la Realidad’, premier in Italy. The screening will be preceded by one of his live performances in the tradition of the renowned Cabaret Mystique, which he himself invented. Exhilarating and highly entertaining, it will create a fabric of meaning and understanding of the comédie humaine, which the author has been able to explore even when at his most dramatic. The performance will centre on a reading of a short poetical text, entitled ‘The remote language’, on which the film ‘La Danza de la Realidad’ is based. The film-maker will provide a commentary with the help of his friend and translator Antonio Bertoli, taking the viewer on a journey from the realms of poetry to film.

Sasha Grey is a guest at Trieste Science+Fiction

Davide Comelli’s insect robot