The Trieste Science+Fiction Festival renews the possibility for 40 students of film courses of European and Italian Universities located outside Friuli Venezia Giulia and not resident in the region, to get a free pass for the Festival and free accommodation for three nights in Trieste, from November 1st (check-in) to November 4th (check-out).

Don’t miss this opportunity: send your application by filling out the form at the link below!

Attention: the form closes on October 6th at 11.59 pm.

All selected students will receive:

An accreditation that will allow free access to the screenings (compatibly with the availability of seats);
Free hospitality for 3 nights, from November 1st (check-in) to November 4th (check-out); *
– Access to exclusive meetings with the authors at the festival.

All students who will benefit from this offer will be required to attend events dedicated to them, which will be communicated later.

Selected students will be contacted by email as soon as possible. On this occasion, they will be asked to confirm the participation at the festival within five days, under penalty of exclusion from the selection.

Submit here your application!

For any other information please send an email to the following address:

* Hospitality is provided in two beautiful hostels in the heart of the city, in rooms shared with other selected students. Please note that the festival will not cover your travel expenses.