El ataque of los robots de nebula-5

Txema Garcia Ibarra
Spain 2008, 7′

Lui sa che i robot provenienti da Nebula – 5 arriveranno presto. Ha provato ad avvertire i propri amici e parenti, ma nessuno gli crede, nonostante abbia fatto dei disegni per rappresentare le loro sembianze.

He knows that the robots from Nebula-5 will come soon. He has tried to warn his parents and friends, but no one believes him, even though he has made drawing of what they will look like.

Txema Garcia Ibarra
Alberto Gutierrez
Txema Garcia Ibarra
Alejandro Martinez
José Manuel Ibarra, Carmina Esteve, Pedro Diez, Leo Diaz

2008 Festival Lineup

Arbeit für Alle

Bad Blood Days